A growing body of research has demonstrated the efficacy of ketamine in treating severe depression and anxiety disorders, even when other treatments have failed. In addition to its rapid onset of action, ketamine, with minimal side effects, produces long-lasting results – often up to two weeks after one infusion session – making it a viable option for those who do not respond well to traditional medications or therapies. In fact, one study found that nearly 70% of patients treated with ketamine reported a significant reduction in symptoms within 24 hours.

How Does Ketamine Work?

Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist that acts on glutamate neurotransmission. This means that ketamine blocks certain receptors in the brain, preventing them from receiving signals that can lead to feelings of depression or anxiety. When administered intravenously, ketamine produces effects within minutes, allowing it to treat suicidal thoughts or other serious symptoms in those who are unable to find relief with traditional antidepressants.

Ketamine’s Benefits

A growing body of research has demonstrated the efficacy of ketamine in treating severe depression and anxiety disorders, even when other treatments have failed. In addition to its rapid onset of action, ketamine has few side effects and produces long-lasting results – often up to two weeks after one infusion session – making it a viable option for those who do not respond well to traditional medications or therapies. In fact, one study found that nearly 70% of patients treated with ketamine reported a significant reduction in symptoms within 24 hours.

Ketamine Infusions & VIP Ketamine

For those living with treatment resistant depression, hope comes in many forms – including ketamine infusions. Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of this powerful sedative in quickly reducing depressive symptoms and providing lasting relief.

Contact VIP Ketamine

If you are considering trying this revolutionary treatment for yourself or someone you love, contact VIP Ketamine today. Our experienced team will provide compassionate care throughout your entire journey – from consultation through post-infusion follow-up – giving you peace of mind every step of the way. Schedule your appointment today and take back control over your mental health.