Ketamine was first synthesized 75 years ago and was used through much of its history as an anesthetic for pets. Through the years, it also gained a reputation as a “party drug” for recreational use. However, in the early 2000s, research began showing that therapeutic uses of the drug could have a strong effect on mood regulation and help treat depression. Although scientists were initially puzzled as to the reasons for the drug’s effectiveness, recent studies have shown a strong correlation between increased dopamine levels and ketamine treatment, which reinforces the drug’s effectiveness as a tool for regulating depression.
What is Dopamine?
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which your nervous system uses to send messages between nerve cells. It is sometimes referred to as the “feel-good” hormone because it used to regulate your pleasure response. This means that when you eat delicious food or experience a delightful physical sensation, your body releases dopamine and this leads directly to a feeling of well-being.
Too much or too little dopamine in your body can lead to a range of health issues, including, on the more serious side, Parkinson’s disease. Dopamine has also been shown to play a strong role in mood regulation. If your body is not producing enough dopamine, you may suffer from the symptoms of depression.
How Does Ketamine Affect Dopamine Levels?
Ketamine treatment has been shown to be highly effective in treating depression, but scientists are still discovering all the reasons for this effectiveness. A recent study, though, showed a definite link between dopamine and depression.
In an experiment in which rats were put into an induced state resembling depression, they were given the opportunity to trigger a dose of ketamine, which in turn led them to change their behaviors in a positive manner. Although the conclusions of the study were complex, the experiment showed that ketamine strengthens certain neural circuits which lead to an increase in dopamine, and thus to a lessening of depression symptoms. Although this is only one of the ways that ketamine may help in mood regulation, it is strong scientific proof of what many people are already discovering: that ketamine treatment is a safe and effective way to combat depression.
If you have any questions about ketamine treatment or if you wish to schedule an appointment, fill out the form below and someone will contact you shortly.
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