Our ketamine clinic’s blog about all things mental health & wellness
For the latest news and information on all things mental health and wellness, check in with our blog. From updates on depression research and ketamine treatment to tips for managing mental health disorders and chronic pain conditions, our blog covers it all. Stay tuned, and check back regularly.
Correcting Inequalities Among the LGBTQ+ Population and Supporting Substance Abuse Treatment
Recent studies have shown that members of the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to suffer from substance abuse disorders than people outside the community. Although several factors may account for this discrepancy, it is believed to largely be the result of the...
How Cryptocurrencies’ Volatile Nature Is Becoming A New Mental Health Concern
More and more people are investing in cryptocurrency. Trading in Bitcoin and other new currencies can be an exciting new challenge, as well as a lucrative investment opportunity, but buying Coinbase stocks can have negative consequences on your mental health. Because...
Summer Heat and the Impact on Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, and Other Chronic Pain Conditions
We’ve all heard people complain that their chronic condition is acting up on a rainy day. Or that they feel worse when the weather turns bad. But for many people who suffer from chronic pain, hot temperatures may actually make them feel worse than cold ones. Although...
What a Cryptocurrency Prices Crash Can Do to Mental Health
The fall in cryptocurrency prices recently brought to light a dark issue between investing and mental health issues. This is timely because, since 1949 the month of May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month. The purpose is to raise awareness of mental...
How A New Fad – Dopamine Detox – Can Decrease Intrusive Thoughts and Bring Mental Clarity
A new fad has emerged where “fasting” has taken on a new meaning. Dopamine fasting or dopamine detoxing is believed to be an antidote to the overstimulated environments in which we live. By taking a break from activities that trigger strong amounts of dopamine, we can...
From Ghosting to Breadcrumbing and Zombieing: What These Dating Terms Mean and How They Impact our Mental Health
If your online browsing habits include reading about dating trends, there is a good chance you have come across neologisms such as ghosting, breadcrumbing, and zombieing. While these terms may sound like they belong in fantasy horror fiction, they actually refer to...
Finding Hope: How to Manage Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is a condition that millions of Americans experienced with greater intensity during the worst months of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many of these patients who were given the option of working from home, the prospect of having to return to the...
Creating Healthy Social Media Boundaries: How Much Time Spent on Social Media is Healthy?
During a Good Morning America interview in March 2022, pop music star Selena Gomez provided some details about what her life has been like after spending more than four years away from social media. The singer and actress decided to live offline while getting...
Why The First Step Is The Hardest: How To Ask For Help
Mental health has never been a monolithic issue, but this has not stopped society from developing certain stigmas and discriminatory attitudes that have a negative impact on patients. The shaming of people who suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety and...
Summertime Blues? Why Warmer Weather Doesn’t Cure Depression
In the summer of 1958, American rock and roll legend Eddie Cochran released "Summertime Blues," a lively song about a teenager feeling sad about spending the summer working a low-paying job with long hours instead of driving around with his girlfriend. The name and...
VIP Ketamine Clinics is happy to extend an offer for a free consultation to all new patients. Whether you have questions about how ketamine works, or are wondering if you are a candidate for ketamine treatment, we are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you find hope in what may feel like a hopeless situation.