Our ketamine clinic’s blog about all things mental health & wellness
For the latest news and information on all things mental health and wellness, check in with our blog. From updates on depression research and ketamine treatment to tips for managing mental health disorders and chronic pain conditions, our blog covers it all. Stay tuned, and check back regularly.
Dating Apps and Their Effect on Mental Health
Dating apps have revolutionized the dating scene, making it easier than ever to find potential partners. However, as with any new technology, dating apps come with their own set of challenges. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the impact of dating apps...
Chronic Pain and Ketamine Infusions
Chronic pain affects millions of people across the United States every year. This type of pain lasts months or even years and can take a dramatic toll on an individual's quality of life. Chronic pain can make it difficult to work, sleep and move about comfortably. It...
How Keeping Your “Depression Room” Clean, Can Clear Your Mind.
It has long been recognized that there is a link between messiness and mental health. Recently, with the help of TikTok and YouTube viewership, this phenomenon has been coined “depression room.” Many may think that the clutter people accumulate when they are...
Postpartum Depression and Mental Health
Having a baby can be an amazing and beautiful experience, but it can trigger a range of powerful emotions. New moms can experience feelings of excitement, joy, fear, sadness and anxiety. The birth of a baby can also result in something unexpected - postpartum...
How Depression Affects Sleep and More
American’s are notoriously sleep deprived which causes many short-term effects. Sleep deprivation undermines concentration and reaction time and often makes us irritable and less productive. When issues become chronic, there can be some significant long-term effects....
Ketamine for Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain
Are you suffering from chronic pain caused by chemotherapy-induced neuropathy? If so, you may be interested in a new study that suggests ketamine could provide relief. Let's take a look at the study and what it means for patients. A recent study published in Frontiers...
Understanding the Effects of Ketamine for Treatment Resistant Depression
A growing body of research has demonstrated the efficacy of ketamine in treating severe depression and anxiety disorders, even when other treatments have failed. In addition to its rapid onset of action, ketamine, with minimal side effects, produces long-lasting...
4 Tips to Combat End-of-the-Year Stress, Anxiety, and Seasonal Depression
The end of the year can be a very stressful time, no matter what your situation. If you’re a college student, though, it can be even worse. In addition to the stress of the holidays, students have to deal with finals and term papers, as well as the pressures of a...
How To Identify Diabetic Nerve Pain
One of the most common—and painful—consequences of poorly controlled blood sugar for diabetes patients is nerve damage. Known as diabetic neuropathy, this form of nerve damage can lead to chronic pain and other severe symptoms such as trouble focusing your vision or...
How Ketamine for Pain Management Can Be a Life Saver With Burn Victims
If you’ve suffered a severe burn, pain management can be a long and difficult process. In particular, third- and fourth-degree burns can require extensive treatment, which may include surgical intervention, and can leave their victims suffering from chronic pain. If...
VIP Ketamine Clinics is happy to extend an offer for a free consultation to all new patients. Whether you have questions about how ketamine works, or are wondering if you are a candidate for ketamine treatment, we are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you find hope in what may feel like a hopeless situation.